Follow MtnGrl Musing

Monday, December 2, 2002


My Trip. (Used with Permission)

First I went to North Carolina to visit my Grandma and my girl cousins F and S. I had Thanksgiving at my girl cousins house. I saw F but I didn't see S because she was sleeping. I brought my dog Star with me to my Grandma's house. She barked more and faster than a hick-up.

Then I went to South Carolina to visit my boy cousins, they are a lot more fun than my girl cousins. I played Tekken 3, and watched TV and played chess. I played chess against my 16 year old cousin W. I lost, but by default. My favorite cousins are P, M, and W. Because we have a lot in common and we play a lot every day.
My boy cousins have a boy dog and my dog Star is a girl. My boy cousin's dog, Blaze liked Star. Blaze was being a bad, bad, bad, bad dog and humped Star when Star was eating. But Star likes Blaze, I think. They licked a lot. Then we had a nice, very long way home.

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