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Monday, March 2, 2009

BREAKING NEWS: President Obama's Human, After all!

Despite his herculean efforts this past month to right the sinking ship known as "the economy", including his evident leadership in convening 130 assorted egos last week for a fiscal summit and persuading them to work and think collaboratively about the country's fiscal future, I (and the New York Times) have noticed a failing on Obama's part. The President often uses 'I' when he should use 'me'. Given all the good he's trying to do, despite knuckleheaded egoists who'd rather forgo money to extend unemployment to the legions of unemployed in their states, than concede politics for the good of their constituency (for a change) -- I'll give him a pass. Plus, if past is prologue, it's likely that we'll never hear this grammatical slip from him again, now that it's been pointed out.
President Obama seems more magician than politician at the moment, with plans to halve the humongous deficit in four years, regardless of the $787 billion stimulus package he signed into law.

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