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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Corporate Naming Rights go to Washington

For the first time since they appointed W President lo those many years ago, the Supreme Court has shocked and disgusted in one fell swoop. Remember when sports stadiums and convention centers started selling ad space on their edifices? What used to be the MCI Center became the Verizon Center when MCI went under; Enron Field suffered a similar fate. Corporate naming rights became the "in thing". Well, look for corporate names emblazoned on lawmakers foreheads soon! In a 5-4 decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court has untied the purse strings of corporations to spend as much as they want to support or oppose a candidate in elections.
Welcome to the Corporate States of America!! No more chance of the people staging a populist uprising and electing a Democrat (or heaven forfend, a charismatic, helluva fundraiser Black guy) to real power-wielding positions. WHEW! Just in time for the midterm elections! I can hear that creepy W laugh now. "Heh, heh, heh. JohnnyBoy Roberts and SamSammy Alito, you done a heckuva job!" Didn't quite make it on the one year anniversary of the inauguration, but close enough.

And on the same day, Air America, the progressive voice in radio, went silent at 6:00 p.m., with a bankruptcy filing looming.

If I weren't so busy planning my expat life, I'd probably be all worked up about this.


WillOaks Studio said...

Expat life?? You read my mind...I keep thinking I can tough this out, that things will turn around...nope, they are getting what is a better place to live, in your opinion?

MtnGrl said...

Panama's got considerable appeal from what I read; lots of incentives and discounts, cheaper than Costa Rica, decent infrastructure, safe, not terribly far away...

Windroot said...

Do you watch the HGTV channel. Every night at 7pm they have an international house hunter thing. fun to watch and you can learn a lot about buying property, if that's what you have in mind. Costa Rica was on the other night. Looks good, especially in winter. Good luck.


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